How Do I Edit a Substitute Approver?

Need to edit an assigned Substitute Approver? An Admin or Approver can edit the Substitute Approver that was chosen. Let’s get right into it!

Are you looking to assign a Substitute Approver? Check out these articles:

How Does an Admin Assign a Substitute Approver?
How Does an Approver Assign a Substitute Approver?

As an Admin:

You can edit the Substitute Approver by going to the Approver’s profile who requested the leave on the Online Dashboard.

Log in to your online dashboard:

On the left-hand side, click on Users

Search for the Approver who requested the leave

If you have multiple Approvers in the department, you must find the last Approver that submitted their leave request, as the Substitute was set through their request. To learn more, please see our guide: Guide: Substitute Approver

Open the Leaves tab on their profile

In the Scheduled Leaves section find the leave in which the Substitute was set and click Edit

Edit the Substitute and click Edit Leave to save the changes

Once you save the changes, the old Substitute will receive a notification saying they are no longer fulfilling the role, and the new Substitute is notified that they have been assigned as a Substitute Approver.

As an Approver:

You can edit your Substitute Approver by going to your profile on the Online Dashboard.

Log in to your online dashboard:

On the top right, click on your profile name/picture, click on My Profile

Click on the Leaves tab on your profile

In the Scheduled Leaves section find the leave in which the Substitute was set and click Edit

Edit the Substitute and click Edit Leave to save the changes

Once you save the changes, the old Substitute will receive a notification saying they are no longer fulfilling the role, and the new Substitute is notified that they have been assigned as a Substitute Approver.

Are you a Substitute Approver looking for information on your role? Check out our guide:

For more information on the differences between an Approver and Admin, please see: Guide: Administrator vs Approver Role

Are you an Admin looking to set an Approver? You can find the steps here: How Do I Set an Approver within Vacation Tracker?

Updated on: 19/03/2024

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