Articles on: Import and Export

What Types of Reports Can I Export?

Do you need to export information on your users' leave balance or leave history? Don't worry, we have you covered! Vacation Tracker Admins can export reports at any time from the online dashboard!

Our Reports section allows you to pull three types of reports:

Leave Request Report
Leave Balance Report
Monthly Leave Balance Report

The reports can be exported in either CSV or Excel formats. Here's a breakdown of what each report consists of:

The Leave Request Report will give you a breakdown of the leaves requested for each user, each leave type within a specific time frame. This report can include the requests that were either Approved, Denied or Expired. Here, you can enter any date range you'd like the report to represent. The report will include information on the users' department, location as well as Employee IDs. The Approvers who responded to the leave requests will also be listed.

More information on the Leave Request Report can be found here: How Do I Export a Leave Request Report (Leave History)?

The Leave Balance Report will list the number of entitled and taken days for each user and each leave type. The report period covers either the Current Year, Last Month, the Previous Year or Next Year. This can assist with any planning or forecasting that needs to be done throughout the year!

The Monthly Leave Balance Report will list the same information in the Leave Balance Report, including any taken and scheduled leaves for the current month and the following 11 months.

Additional information on the Leave Balance Report can be found here: How Do I Export Employee Leave Balances?
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Updated on: 25/07/2022

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