Articles on: Billing

Microsoft Transactables: Managing Licenses and Importing Users

This article is solely for teams under the Microsoft Transactables billing option.

For teams using the Microsoft Transactables billing option, adding users is tied to the number of licenses in your account. As an Admin, you are able to manage these licenses and assign them to active users in your Office 365 directory. Here's how:

Log into your online dashboard at
Select the Users tab on the left-hand side
Click on the Manage Licenses button

You will then see the number of licenses assigned to your account, and the number of licenses available to assign:

Select the users to assign licenses to

On this page, you are also able to choose if these will be regular Users or Admins

You will also have the option to send these new users a welcome message via Microsoft Teams or email

Once this information has been updated, click on the Assign Licenses button. The system will indicate that the licenses have been assigned, and these users can now sign into Vacation Tracker!

Updated on: 12/07/2022

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