Articles on: User Settings

How Do I Edit a User's Leave Request?

Admins and Approvers, if you are looking to edit a user's previous, current or upcoming leave you came to the right place!

To edit a leave for a user as an Admin, please use the following steps:

Go to Vacation Tracker Dashboard -

On the left-hand side click on Users

Once the page opens, select the user you wish to edit.

Once on the profile page click on Leaves to access the user's history, scheduled and pending requests.

Find the leave you wish to edit and click on the Edit button on the right-hand side.

A pop-up will open which will allow you to edit the dates and the reason

Once you are done editing the information, click Update.

As an Approver, editing a user's request can be done under the Pending Requests tab.

Log in to your online dashboard -

Click on Pending Requests

Click on the Edit button next to the pending leave

You can now change the dates of the leave. Once you are finished, click on Edit Leave to save the changes!

If you would like to change the Leave Type, the original leave request must first be cancelled, and a new request under the correct Leave Type will have to be submitted. This applies to half-day leaves as well! For more information on how to cancel a user's leave, please see this article: How Do I Delete a User's Leave Request?

Please keep in mind, only Admins are able to edit historical data; however, Approvers are able to edit pending and scheduled leaves for their users through the Team Members page.

Updated on: 04/04/2023

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