Articles on: User Settings

Data Import: Importing Leave Data Using Your Own File

If you’re looking to use our Import option but looking to use your own file (not using our templated format) you can do so by using the following the steps below.

Please keep in mind, your file must satisfy the following rules:

There must be headers

The date and time format must match

Date Format: MM/DD/YY

Time Format: Single Digits 24 Hour Format 2PM is 14

The following information is mandatory:

The leave type name

The duration (dates from and to and/or time)

Is Half Day (Yes/No)

Email address of the User (same as in Vacation Tracker)

Email address of the Approver (same as in Vacation Tracker)

Please note, all imported leaves are auto approved. If you’re looking to import declined/pending/expired leaves as well, reach out to our Support team.

Additionally, the Is Half-Day column is mandatory, if left blank, we will auto-fill it as No.

Finally, if you’re using your own file, please format excel cells as text; otherwise, it will truncate zeros.

Import Steps:

Go to the online dashboard:

Once in the online dashboard, go to the Import option on the left-hand side menu (please note, you will only see this option if you are an Admin within Vacation Tracker).

Once on the Import page, the Import Type will default to Import Leaves type of import

You can then choose the Import Format (CSV or Excel)

Below you can skip the Download Template option (since you’re using your own file) and click on Import File

A pop-up will open that includes 4 steps:

Under step 1, Import Leaves, you can select your file

Once you select the file and add it, you will be taken to step 2, Select Header Row, (our system will select the first row by default, please make sure it’s correct before proceeding)

Once you click next, you’ll be taken to step 3, Match Columns, where you will be able to match the column headings from your file with our necessary fields.

Once you’re happy with the match, click on Next and you’ll be taken to step 4, Validate Data, where you can check if there are any errors such as wrong email addresses or Leave Types that do not match. If you put your cursor over the red field, you will see the reason. You can make changes right on that page or, you can exit the import, fix your file and start the Import again with the correct file.

If you’re happy with the data, click on Confirm and the Import will begin

You can continue using Vacation Tracker until the Import is completed. To check if the import has been completed, simply check a user’s profile to see if the data has been entered (all Import data is entered at once).

For more information on the Import feature, please see the following article: How Can I Import My Leave Data into Vacation Tracker (Leave Data Import)?

For steps on using our template to import the data, please see the following steps: Data Import: Importing Leave Data Using Our Template

Updated on: 22/12/2023

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