Articles on: Account Settings

How can I turn Out of Office (OOO) reply on / off?

You can enable/disable the OOO reply in the Account Settings within the online dashboard.

To do so, please use the following steps:

Go to the Vacation Tracker online dashboard:

Under Account Settings you should see the “Configure Automatic OOO Reply” section

If the feature is active (enabled), you would see the “Yes” button selected. If you would like to disable the feature, select the “No” button and click on “Save”.

If the feature is deactivated (disabled), you would see the “No” button seelcted. If you would like to enable the feature, select the “Yes” button and click on “Save”.

if this is the first time you’re enabling this feature you may be prompted to give further permissions. For more information, please see the following article: Guide: Automatic Out of Office (OOO) Reply (Autoreply)

For more information on choosing the leave types that will send the OOO reminders, please see the following article: Can I choose which leave types have the Out of Office (OOO) message?

Updated on: 16/08/2023

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