How Do I Set Holidays?
The time has come for you to set up Holidays for your organization! Luckily, you can do this in a few easy steps! Within Vacation Tracker. you will have two options to set your Bank/State/Federal holidays. You can either:
Import holidays according to your region
Manually create your own holidays.
Let’s get started!
Go to Vacation Tracker Dashboard -
On the left-hand side, under Settings, click on Locations
*Please note: to set holidays, you must first set or edit a location. For more information on creating locations see the following article: How Do I Create a Location?

Click View on the selected location

Once you are on the new page, click on the Holidays tab
You will have two options: to import the holidays or the create your own by adding a holiday
To Import Holidays, simply click on this option and the Import Holidays page will appear.

Enter the year, country and state/province (if applicable) and select Next Vacation Tracker will give you a list of all the holidays for that country, with some days automatically selected for you:

The Holiday Type (Observance/ Public) will also appear on this page. You can also use the Filter By Holiday Type option on this page to search for the holidays you'd like to import

Once you select the days that your organization will observe, click on Next at the bottom of the page. You will then see the list of holidays that you will be importing, as well as the option to automatically import these holidays for future years.

When you're ready, simply select the Import button and your holidays will be added to that location.
If you selected the Automatic Import option for future years, you will see this enabled, as well as the holidays listed for the next year:

You can use the Edit or Delete options for the imported holidays on the right-hand side of the page.
To Add a Holiday select the option, add a name to your holiday and a date. You can also set the holiday to last for more than one day and choose whether or not it can be a half-day holiday. When you are done, click Save

And that is it!
The holidays will now be imported for that location and all users within that location will be affected The holidays will be listed in the calendar view, and will be included in the set notifications!
If you ever need to edit your list of holidays, you can do so by following the steps outlined in our Editing Holidays article!
Please note that the auto-import option for future years isn't available for some countries. We will be updating the list of countries periodically though! For the time being, the holidays for these countries will have to be manually updated for future years.
Import holidays according to your region
Manually create your own holidays.
Let’s get started!
Go to Vacation Tracker Dashboard -
On the left-hand side, under Settings, click on Locations
*Please note: to set holidays, you must first set or edit a location. For more information on creating locations see the following article: How Do I Create a Location?

Click View on the selected location

Once you are on the new page, click on the Holidays tab
You will have two options: to import the holidays or the create your own by adding a holiday
To Import Holidays, simply click on this option and the Import Holidays page will appear.

Enter the year, country and state/province (if applicable) and select Next Vacation Tracker will give you a list of all the holidays for that country, with some days automatically selected for you:

The Holiday Type (Observance/ Public) will also appear on this page. You can also use the Filter By Holiday Type option on this page to search for the holidays you'd like to import

Once you select the days that your organization will observe, click on Next at the bottom of the page. You will then see the list of holidays that you will be importing, as well as the option to automatically import these holidays for future years.

When you're ready, simply select the Import button and your holidays will be added to that location.
If you selected the Automatic Import option for future years, you will see this enabled, as well as the holidays listed for the next year:

You can use the Edit or Delete options for the imported holidays on the right-hand side of the page.
To Add a Holiday select the option, add a name to your holiday and a date. You can also set the holiday to last for more than one day and choose whether or not it can be a half-day holiday. When you are done, click Save

And that is it!
The holidays will now be imported for that location and all users within that location will be affected The holidays will be listed in the calendar view, and will be included in the set notifications!
If you ever need to edit your list of holidays, you can do so by following the steps outlined in our Editing Holidays article!
Please note that the auto-import option for future years isn't available for some countries. We will be updating the list of countries periodically though! For the time being, the holidays for these countries will have to be manually updated for future years.
Updated on: 01/05/2023
Thank you!