How Do I Add a Leave for a User?
As an Approver, you have the power ... to add leaves for your department members! They can be:
Past Leaves
Current Leaves
Future Leaves
To add a leave for a user, please follow these steps:
Go to the Vacation Tracker Dashboard -
On the left-hand side, click on the Leave Requests drop-down menu and select Add Leave

Once on the new page, you can enter the necessary information:
Select a User- click on the drop-down and select the user you would like to add the leave for.
Request - click on the drop-down menu to select the leave type.
Start and End Date - mark the start and end date for this leave.
Reason - this field is optional and if you have any information, mark it here.
Once you are done, click Add Leave and the leave will be added for the user.

Please keep in mind, you must be an Approver of the department the User is part of in order to add leave for the User. For more information on how to update a department's Approver(s), please see this article: How Do I Set an Approver within Vacation Tracker?
Past Leaves
Current Leaves
Future Leaves
To add a leave for a user, please follow these steps:
Go to the Vacation Tracker Dashboard -
On the left-hand side, click on the Leave Requests drop-down menu and select Add Leave

Once on the new page, you can enter the necessary information:
Select a User- click on the drop-down and select the user you would like to add the leave for.
Request - click on the drop-down menu to select the leave type.
Start and End Date - mark the start and end date for this leave.
Reason - this field is optional and if you have any information, mark it here.
Once you are done, click Add Leave and the leave will be added for the user.

Please keep in mind, you must be an Approver of the department the User is part of in order to add leave for the User. For more information on how to update a department's Approver(s), please see this article: How Do I Set an Approver within Vacation Tracker?
Updated on: 26/08/2022
Thank you!