Guide: Administrator vs Approver Role
What Can I Do as an Administrator?
The Administrator has the highest level of permissions in Vacation Tracker. This means you are able to see and edit all of the organization’s settings as well as user and department information at any time. This role is generally for higher management, HR and accounting personnel.
As an Admin you are able to:
Dashboard – Review, accept and deny pending requests; view and remove upcoming leaves and review remaining leaves for all users (once added to the list of Approvers in your departments).
Departments – Create, edit and remove users and Approvers.
Wallchart - View upcoming leaves for all users to better plan and manage leave requests
Users – Review and edit all user-profiles and set leave quotas for individual users.
Holidays – Create and import holidays for the whole organization and individual locations.
Settings – Review and edit all organizations settings such as information export, notifications, working days, leave types and billing.
Company Logs - View any changes made to the account settings such as leave policies, locations, departments, user imports and more
Admin - Dashboard
You are also able to assign other administrator roles to users and set Approvers for different departments. Please keep in mind, when it comes to leave requests, you will only be able to receive notifications if you are an Approver in one or more departments. However, you will be able to access everyone’s leave requests and history through the dashboard by going to the user's profile page.
What Can I do as an Approver?
The Approver has the second-highest level of permissions in Vacation Tracker. The Approver role, set by an Administrator, allows any User or Admin to be an Approver for one or more departments. This means you are able to see, approve and deny your users(s)’ requests. An Approver is generally a team lead, manager or supervisor in an organization.
As an Approver you are able to:
Dashboard – Review, edit, accept and deny pending requests;
Manage Requests – Review and edit leave requests and leave information for your users.
My Profile – View your leave history information, review, and edit your upcoming leaves.
Wallchart - View upcoming leaves for all users to better plan and manage leave incoming requests for users
Users Page – View the profile pages of your users, their leave quotas and their past leave information
Create Notifications - Set notifications for users in your team on the Notifications page. More information on how to do this can be found here:
How Do I Set Notifications Within Vacation Tracker?
As an Approver, you will also receive bot notifications within your Slack or Microsoft Teams integration (depending on the integration your organization is using) for all requests sent to you by your users for all the departments you are an Approver of. If your user(s) have multiple Approvers, you will also receive a notification letting you know which Approver approved the request.

How do I make someone an Approver?
In order to make someone an approver, you must be the Admin of the organization.
For detailed steps on how to do so, please read our helpful article - How Do I Set an Approver within Vacation Tracker?
How do I make someone an Administrator?
In order to make someone an Administrator, you must be the Admin of the organization.
For detailed steps on how to do so, please read our helpful article - How Do I Set an Administrator within Vacation Tracker?
If you have additional questions, contact us directly at or start a chat with us via our website at any time.
Updated on: 17/05/2023
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