Articles on: Account Settings

How Do I Set Up Seniority Based Entitlement (SBE) Automation?

Seniority Based Entitlement (SBE) is an automation that awards Users additional leave days after being with a company for a certain number of years. Vacation Tracker will award additional leave on top of their existing quota based on milestones.

Please note, only Admins can create this automation.

SBE is an automation you can add to your Core or Complete plan. The current price is $0.50 per Active User/month. To learn more about our automations and pricing, please see: Guide: What Automations does Vacation Tracker offer?

Let’s begin!

Go to the Vacation Tracker Dashboard -

On the left-hand side click on Add-ons

Select Seniority Entitlement

In case you haven’t subscribed to the Seniority Entitlement automation yet, go to Discover more add-ons and select Seniority Entitlement there

Choose a name for your seniority entitlement

Fill in your options

Appy to all users?: If you’d like to apply this particular Seniority Entitlement to all Users in your company, click on Yes. Please note, For companies who have different SBE rules based on location, you can click on “No” to create an SBE based on a location, so it only applies to the Users in that location. To create a location, please see: How Do I Create a Location?

Leave Type: Select the leave type you’d like the additional days to be added to. The additional days added by the system are added to the Users’ existing leave quota. The extra days are added to the same leave type you created the SBE for. If you have different seniority entitlement rules for different leave types, you can create several Seniority Based Entitlements.

Start applying seniority entitlement from: If the Users already have individually set quotas with seniority included, you can select Today and the automation will only start adding days to the Users after the automation is configured. In case you still haven’t changed individual User quotas, you can select User start date and the automation will check everyone’s employment dates you entered and assign additional days based on the rules you created.

If you select User start date this will change the quota of all Users that already earned additional seniority based days in the past. Make sure you set the correct start dates to all Users before configuring SBE.

Add days from: If Employee’s Start Date is selected, the User will have to wait for their anniversary date to arrive in order to earn the additional days. On the other hand, the Beginning of the fiscal year option allows you to give those additional days to the User at the start of their anniversary year.

For example, if your fiscal year starts on January 1st and you choose Beginning of the fiscal year and John’s anniversary date is on August 15th, he will have the additionally earned days available even before his anniversary, from January 1st.

Do you want to enable prorate?: If the User’s employee start date does not match the fiscal/calendar year, Vacation Tracker will prorate the seniority earned days in the year they are awarded. For example, if your calendar year starts on January 1st, but the User started working on July 1st 5 years ago, and your company gives 5 additional PTO days on July 5th after 5 years of service, the User will receive 2.5 days on July 1st because of the prorate. This user will receive all 5 seniority-based days in the next fiscal year.

Seniority Entitlement Policy: Add how many additional days that will be awarded after how many years in the company. You can create multiple policies for the SBE by clicking on the + button.

Once you’re done with all the fields, you’ll have a summary of the SBE Automation you created.

Click on Create

Please note, once you create a Seniority Based Entitlement (SBE), it cannot be edited. It must be deleted.

You can revisit any Seniority Entitlement automations you’ve previously created by going to Add-ons and clicking on Seniority Entitlement.

Earning Rules For Applying SBE Starting Today:

If you've already manually adjusted quotas for your Users to include days they earned on their anniversaries in the past, the better option for you would be to start applying SBE from Today. This would mean that we won't go back in the past to add the additional days for Users who already reached the milestone.

As an example, it is January 16th, 2024, and I have just created the SBE Automation to add 5 days after 2 years and 5 days after 4 years in the company. If all Users whose anniversary dates were before January 16th 2024 were configured manually by the Admin, the Automation will only add the extra days for Users who have anniversary dates after January 16th.

Example 1: Ana has been with the company for 2 years, she started on January 12th, 2022. The Admin must go to Ana’s profile and manually add the 5 additional days since the anniversary date has already passed.

Example 2: Stacy’s 2nd anniversary with the company is coming up on September 3rd, 2024. Our system will automatically reward Stacy 5 additional days.

Example 3: Rick’s 4th anniversary with the company is coming up on March 3rd, 2024. The system will automatically reward Rick with 5 additional days, making it a total of 10 SBE days (additional days). But the 5 days he was supposed to be rewarded in 2022 for his 2-year milestone should have already been manually added by the Admin.

If you're looking to assign additional quota based on roles or labels, within Vacation Tracker, please see the following automation: How Do I Set Entitlement by Role?

If you're looking to edit the individual User's quotas, here's how you can do that: How Do I Customize Leave Quotas for Individual Users?

For more information on all of our Automations, please see our guide: Guide: What Automations does Vacation Tracker offer?

Updated on: 20/06/2024

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