How Can I Categorize Users (Adding Labels)?
Do you need a way to categorize employees within Vacation Tracker? No problem, we understand that larger teams may need a way to organize employees into multiple groups, so let us help you with that with our labels feature :) This feature provides Admins with a flexible way to group employees inside Vacation Tracker. The labels feature can also be filtered on all the pages that allow the filtering option, such asPopularWhat is the Difference Between Inactive and Deleted Users?
In order to keep your organization's leave information safe and sound within Vacation Tracker even when an employee leaves your organization, we have created the Deleted list found on the User page within the online dashboard. On the online dashboard User page, we have the following three lists: Active Users belonging to this list are active within Vacation Tracker and canSome readersHow Do I Set a User's Start Date and/or End Date?
Within Vacation Tracker you are able to set the employee's start date and end date. The employee's start date can be used for re-setting the yearly quota; for more information please check out the following article: Can I Reset the Leave Quota Based on the Employee Start Date? The employee's end date can be used for your own records or for contractor type employees. Users are not able to request leave past the eFew readersHow Do I Edit a User's Leave Request?
Admins and Approvers, if you are looking to edit a user's previous, current or upcoming leave you came to the right place! :) To edit a leave for a user as an Admin, please use the following steps: Go to Vacation Tracker Dashboard - On the left-hand side click on Users Once the page opens, select the user you wish to edit. (https://stoFew readersHow Do I Deactivate a User?
Do you have current employees who are not using Vacation Tracker at this time? Admins are able to set these users as Inactive by adding them to the Inactive Users List! We understand that some employees may need to take extended leaves, and by adding them to the Inactive Users List, Admins can still manage the users' settings and view their leave quotas. To add a user to the Inactive list, please use the following steps: From your online dashboard, go to the Users tab (https://storageFew readersCan I Edit Users' Names Within Vacation Tracker?
Great news Vacation Tracker Admins: You are able to edit users’ names on the online dashboard! Please use the following steps to update the user's name: Please go to and log in with your credentials. While on the online dashboard, click on the Users tab on the left-hand side. Find and select the user you'd like to edit by clicking on their profile page. Select the Edit option on the right-hand side. From there, a new pop-up window wilFew readersWhy did a leave request expire (Leave Expiration Rules)?
Within Vacation Tracker you may notice that either your leave (if you’re viewing as a User) or a user’s leave (if you’re viewing as an Admin/Approver) has expired. If the leave has expired, it means that it hasn’t been responded to on time. A leave request can either expire if the end date of the leave requested has passed or if 10 business days have passed since the request was sent. ( readersCan I Update User Information from my Directory Into Vacation Tracker?
Do you need to update your users' information from your workspace directory? As an Admin, you are able to do this easily in Vacation Tracker! Since our system works as an integration with Slack, Microsoft Teams and Google Workspace, minimal user information is pulled from your workspace directory. We care about privacy and permissions, which is why we only pull users’ first and last names and avatars into our system. Here's how to update this information in Vacation Tracker after the changesFew readersHow Can I Import My Leave Data into Vacation Tracker (Leave Data Import)?
If you’re new to Vacation Tracker, welcome! You may be looking for the option to import your leave information if you’re starting with Vacation Tracker mid-year. Or if you’re looking to consolidate your leave history/data in one place. Please note, when using our Import feature, users will not be notified once the leaves are added into the system. There are a couple of things to keep in mind before proceeding with the import: Make sure all of the Users are in the Active list. Make sFew readersHow Can I Update my Dashboard to English/French?
Would your users like to view their online dashboard in French? If so, you'll be happy to know that Vacation Tracker allows users the option to view their online dashboard in English or French! This option is simple and easy to implement. Users can change their preferred language at any time using these easy steps: Log into your online dashboard by going to On the top right-hand corner, click on your profile picture Click on your preferred language optioFew readersHow Do I Delete a User's Leave Request?
Admins - do you need to cancel a user's upcoming or previous leave? No worries, this can easily be done in a few simple clicks :) Please log in to your online dashboard by going to Click on the Users tab on the left-hand side Select the whose leave you'd like to delete ( readersHow Can I Update User Avatars (Profile Pictures)?
Do you want to update your users' profile pictures in Vacation Tracker? Admins will be happy to know that this can be done with a few simple clicks! Since our system works as an integration with Google Workspace, Microsoft Teams and Slack, as long as the user profile pictures (avatars) are updated in the workspace directory, they can be pulled into Vacation Tracker! Clients using our Email option can also upload their profile pictures!Few readersHow Can I Change a User's Location?
If you need to move a user from one location to another, you can do this with ease! Certain updates within your organization may require users to change locations from time to time. Luckily, this can be done in a few easy steps! Here's how youFew readersHow Can I Add Employee IDs Into Vacation Tracker?
Vacation Tracker Admins - are you looking for a way to update your employees' ID's into Vacation Tracker? Now you're able to do this quickly and easily for your individual users! Adding your Employee ID's can help with keeping Vacation Tracker consistent with your external payroll system. The Employee ID field will be visible to your users as well as their Approvers. Here's how you can add your Employee IDs into Vacation Tracker: Log into your online dashboard by going to app.vacationtrackFew readersData Import: Importing Leave Data Using Our Template
If you’re looking to use our Import option and using our template (which you can download on the Import page) you can do so by using the following steps below. Please keep in mind, any import file must satisfy the following rules: There must be headers The date and time format must match Date Format: MM/DD/YY Time Format: Single Digits 24 Hour Format 2PM is 14 The following information is mandatory: The leave type name TheFew readersData Import: Importing Leave Data Using Your Own File
If you’re looking to use our Import option but looking to use your own file (not using our templated format) you can do so by using the following the steps below. Please keep in mind, your file must satisfy the following rules: There must be headers The date and time format must match Date Format: MM/DD/YY Time Format: Single Digits 24 Hour Format 2PM is 14 The following information is mandatory: The leave type name The duration (Few readersCan a Vacation Tracker Admin or Approver turn on/off the OOO (Out of Office) feature for users?
You may be wondering: If I turn on the Out-of-Office feature, will it only be enabled for my account? The Out-of-Office reply feature is tied to a user’s account and just like the personal calendar connection, it must be set up by the user under the user's Account Settings section which can be found when the user clicks on their name within the Online Dashboard: ( readersHow Do I Edit User's General Information? ( Role, Team, Location and Start Date )
Sometimes changes need to be made to your previous settings. Whether it's updating a user role, their location or start/end date, these can all be changed through the users profile. Let's begin! Go to the Vacation Tracker Dashboard - On the left-hand side click on Users Once on that page, click on the User you wish to change (httSome readersHow do I Check Leave History and Upcoming Leaves for Individual Users?
As an Admin within Vacation Tracker you have the power, to access users' profile pages :) and check their history and upcoming leaves! To review a user's history and upcoming leaves, please use the following steps: Go to the Vacation Tracker Dashboard - On your left-hand side click on Users You can search for the user's name in theFew readersHow Do I Set an Administrator within Vacation Tracker?
Just as you can make a User an Approver, you can promote a user to an Administrator. Let’s see how it’s done! First things first, sign in to your dashboard - On the left-hand side click on Users Next, you want to choose the User you wish to promote and their profile page will open up ( readersHow Do I Customize Leave Quotas for Individual Users?
When setting up your organization’s Vacation Tracker, one of the first things you do is set a number of days for each leave type you have. If the number of leave days differs for some users, you can manually edit them. When editing, you have two options: To edit days only for the current or next year To edit days permanently, meaning they will recur every year Let us show you how you can do that within Vacation Tracker! First things first, sign in to your dashboard - https://app.vacatiPopularHow Do I Set a Custom Workweek for an Individual User?
You get an edit! And you get an edit! Everybody gets an edit! Well, at least your User's workweek gets an edit :) As an Admin, you are able to customize the work week for individual users quickly and easily! This is quite simple, so let's jump right into it: Go to the Vacation Tracker Dashboard - On the left-hand side click on Users Once tFew readers